foaled: 1950 - 1967
sire: Kurassier
dam: Derka
color: bay

Emperor of the breed
Oregon was born in 1950. He played a decisive role in the DHH-history. Because of Oregon the fancy 'Sunday horse' developed into a high performing show ring competitor.
Oregon was known for his powerful trot. From 1959 till 1964 he was six time National Champion Fine Harness in the approved stallion class.
It was the plan to show Oregon on the National Championship for approved stallions in 1967. Unfortunately he never got the chance to win the title. During training just before the show, Oregon died in front of the show buggy.

Oregon's offspring
Oregon sired 13 approved stallions: Tamboer, Bizet, Dakota, Floregon, Graaf Oregon, Gloriant, Hugo, Hoogheid, Indiaan, Iregon, Ivaro, Jonkheer & Jonker Oregon.
Since 1966 the young Oregon Dakota was five time National Champion, in 1972 in 1973 Hoogheid and Gloriant were National Champion and since 1971 the Oregon-son Indiaan was six time National
Oregon sired unmentionable many National Champions. Some legendary show horses were Stormy, Dormy, Ancy, Romanus, Rumanus and Sebastiaan.